
Detox diet - A complete & perfect diet plan

Detox diet - A complete & perfect diet plan
A detox diet is usually used to flush out all the environmental and dietary toxins within our body. The livers, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin, blood and lymphatic systems work together in order to chemically transform the toxins to compounds that are less harmful and then ensures that the same is executed from the body.

Although, there are many kinds of a detox diet plan, but the main reason of this short term diet solution is:

  • It main emphasis is on eating organic foods which reduces the amount of chemicals ingested.
  • Paves way to intake maximum of vegetables, nutrients and antioxidants which is required by the body for detoxification.
  • Intake of high fiber foods and water is encouraged so as to eliminate toxins by increasing the bowel movements and frequent urination.
A detox diet plan should not be opted by pregnant or nursing ladies, children, people suffering from anemia, diabetes, kidney disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, genetic disease and other chronic diseases and conditions. They should primarily consult their doctor before going for this diet.

Another factor that should be considered before opting this diet solution is to know about its side effects. Mild headache may result in the first few days of the diet. Diarrhea is another side effect which may cause dehydration and electrolyte loss. In case you take excess fiber without balancing it with your fluid intake level, constipation may be another side effect of the detox diet plan. Other side effects may include tiredness, hunger, acne, weight loss and irritability.

Liver detox diet
A liver detox diet has the function of cleansing the liver, thereby, making it more effective to filter the toxins and impurities in the blood stream and other organs. For this to happen, a liver detox diet emphasizes on eating natural foods such as broccolis, cabbages, radishes and artichokes. All these vegetables support the liver function and re-build the liver cells. In addition to vegetables, this type of diet solution also asks for eating fruits which lowers the stress on the liver of feeding the body with raw nutrients.

Lemon detox diet plan
A lemon detox diet plan has two advantages. Firstly, it is aimed to cleanse your liver, thereby, making you more energetic. Another added advantage is that this diet plan is also focused on the goal of weight loss.
The lemon detox is basically "madal bal tree syrup" which is made up of sap of 5 different trees. Since, these syrups are natural and have no additives; it aids a lot in the detoxification process.

Raw food detox diet
A raw food detox diet plan emphasizes on the diet that is mostly based on the intake of raw vegetables and fruits. Raw nuts, seeds and dry fruits are also a part of this process. It undertakes that by eating opting a raw food diet, it is said that the cleansing function of the liver is accelerated as raw foods have more nutrients and less toxins in them.

Summarizing, a detox diet plan provides the benefits of improved energy by regular bowel movements, clearer skin and proper digestion.

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