
Kidney diet – reduce the risks of kidney diseases

Kidney diet
Kidney diet
Kidney diet - Kidneys hold a very vital position in our body because many functions are controlled by it. Its main function is to clean up the wastes as well as the excessive liquid present in our body through urine. In order to keep this organ functioning in an effective manner, it is imperative that one should follow a proper kidney diet. By following a healthy kidney diet, the risk of severe Kidney Diseases is reduced. For those who are contracting with this disease, this diet will help in reducing the effects of this disease.

Healthy kidney diet - Those who are suffering from Kidney disease must adopt a diet plan which is low in sodium, protein and potassium. Following is the diet solution to a kidney problem.

Sodium - Sodium is a nutrient which controls the fluid level in the body. If your diet plan contains a high amount of sodium, it may lead to excess water to accumulate in the kidney which in turn affects its function. The best way to reduce the consumption of sodium in your body is to reduce the use of salt in your diet.

Proteins - Although, proteins help in creating muscles and repair damage tissues in the body, but, excessive proteins may overload the kidney causing it to dysfunction. Kidney disorders are mainly found in people who have their meals mainly based on meat and meat products, therefore it is important to refrain your diet from meat and include vegetables in your diet plan. Vegetables not only eliminate extra proteins and toxins in our body, but, also help in controlling the blood pressure level.

Increased quantity of water - The main function of this organ is to filter the impurities present in our blood through urine. This process to be undertaken requires a lot of water intake in order to flush out all the toxins within. It is recommended to drink at least 3-4 liters of water. Many fruits and vegetables also contains water such as watermelon, zucchini, cucumber and tomatoes and thus, be included in a kidney diet.

Calcium and phosphorus - High phosphorus and calcium nutrient may be unhealthy for the kidney. It is therefore, recommended to limit the use of the same.  Almonds, meat, lentils, dried fruits and cheese have high phosphorus and bananas, spinach and broccoli holds calcium and should be consumed at regular intervals.

Potassium - It basically helps in the functioning of the kidney, but if the kidney becomes fatal, all the potassium is aggregated in the blood which is harmful for your heart. Salt, white bread, raw garlic, oat bran etc are high in potassium and must be avoided.

Calories - When veganism is followed, the risk of gaining weight may lead to the risk of contracting with a kidney disease. It is therefore, important to control the calories in your healthy kidney diet plan.

15 basic ingredients that should be a part of a kidney diet are:
  • Strawberries
  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Cranberries
  • Cauliflower
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Cabbage
  • Asparagus
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Green Beans
  • Radishes
  • Iceberg Lettuce
  • Turnips
  • Eggplant
By including these items in your kidney diet, you will be able to control and overcome any sort of kidney disease.

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